Dermoskin Medobiocomplex-M Biotin Shampoo Gift Package


Dermoskin Medobiocomplex-M Biotin Shampoo Gift Package is a special product containing Dermoskin Medobiocomplex-M, formulated for men and individuals with male pattern hair loss, and Dermoskin Biotin Shampoo, which has nourishing properties for the scalp and hair follicles. When the two products are used together, hair growth is supported in a healthy way without shedding. Dermoskin Medobiocomplex M is a food supplement produced from vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbal extracts. Dermoskin, the manufacturer of the product in capsule form, states that the food supplement has an average usage period of 3-6 months.

Male pattern hair loss is a problem that can affect not only men but also rarely women. When some enzymes increase and lead to the formation of DHT, DHT clings to the hair follicles and prevents the normal nutrition of the hair. The hair follicle, which is not nourished enough, becomes weaker and thinner, and as a result, hair loss occurs. Medobiocomplex-M, included in the Dermoskin Medobiocomplex-M Biotin Shampoo Gift Package, contains biotin. Biotin helps prevent hair loss by nourishing hair follicles. 2 capsules of Medobiocomplex-M contain a total of 5 mg biotin. It helps hair growth with vitamins B1, B5 and B6. It helps prevent hair loss with components such as folic acid, which supports the acceleration of blood circulation in the hair follicles, and saw palmetto, which suppresses the enzymes that cause DHT formation.

The dosage of Dermoskin Medobiocomplex-M is determined as once a day. To increase its effectiveness, 2 capsules can be used per day. However, it should not be forgotten that food supplements should be used as recommended by the doctor. You can immediately add the Dermoskin Medobiocomplex-M Biotin Shampoo Gift Package product, which helps prevent male pattern hair loss, to your cart.

Unless the doctor tells you otherwise, take Dermoskin Medobiocomplex-M once a day with water. It can be used twice a day to increase effectiveness.
Apply Biotin Shampoo to wet hair. Rinse after waiting for 1-2 minutes.

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Clean water resources are rapidly depleting in our world. We would like to remind all our visitors about the responsible use of water for a sustainable future.

For now, the only planet where life is possible is our Earth. Let's own it 🌍

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Equisetum arvense (Horsetail) Extract, Panthenol / Provitamin B5, Microcrystalline Cellulose, L-cystine, L-methionine, Silicon Dioxide, Zinc Oxide, Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), Biotin (Vitamin H), Pteroylmonoglutamic Acid (Folic acid)

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