Skin Problems During Pregnancy and Treatment Recommendations
Almost every situation experienced during pregnancy is personal. While pregnancy makes some lucky women beautiful, for others it may seem the opposite. However, at some point during pregnancy, expectant mothers may experience various skin problems due to high hormonal activity and increased weight gain.
Undoubtedly, the biggest skin problem affecting expectant mothers during pregnancy is acne. Various blisters, rashes and color changes on the skin may also occur due to hormone activity. You may also notice that some beauty products that help keep skin glowing before pregnancy are not safe after the birth of the baby. But don't worry! In this article written by Evla experts, you can find common skin problems during pregnancy and tips on how to solve them. By making small changes in your skin care routine during pregnancy, you can achieve healthy skin radiance and join the most beautiful mothers in the world.
What to Do for Acne Problem During Pregnancy?
Even if it has been many years before you see a pimple, many pimples may appear during pregnancy, especially around the mouth and chin. Pregnancy is one of the times when acne is most likely to occur, and if you don't get it under control right away, it can continue until you give birth and sometimes after the baby is born. So how to get rid of acne during pregnancy? Things you can try to treat acne during pregnancy include topical products that contain sulfur, products containing glycolic acid or alpha hydroxy acid. Microdermabrasion treatment performed under appropriate conditions may also be beneficial. Microdermabrasion is roughly the process of peeling the upper layers of the skin in a controlled manner.
What Do Evla Experts Say?
Some practices may cause acne problems to worsen during pregnancy. Note that products you should not use during pregnancy include benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or retinoids. It is not safe to use these during pregnancy. Remember that you should always consult your doctor before using prescription or over-the-counter acne medications during pregnancy.
Pregnancy Mask (Malesma) and Other Pigment Problems
One of the most annoying pregnancy skin problems, melasma, also known as pregnancy mask or pregnancy spots, are dark pigmented spots on the face. Pregnancy mask is associated with pregnancy hormones and sun exposure. There are also studies showing that women with dark skin and dark hair are more at risk for this problem. However, regardless of your skin color, during pregnancy, spots may appear in the form of dark lines around or between the nipples, between the thighs or down the middle of the abdomen. These areas may take on a darker color due to changes in melanin production during pregnancy. As examples of these changes, you can consider the skin around the areola, the inner thighs and the dark spots in the middle of the abdomen and around the navel. The most common and well-known of these is the linea nigra or pregnancy line; It is the pigmentation area going down from the middle of the abdomen.
Although there is no specific treatment for pregnancy pigmentation problems, avoiding the sun can reduce possible skin discoloration. It can also help to always use sunscreen when you're outside. You can take a look at the sun products in the Evla selection here .
What Do Evla Experts Say?
Although there is no definitive information yet on the safety of traditional skin whitening ingredients such as hydroquinone during pregnancy, there are other products you can safely try. For example; You can use azelaic acid, which is good for pigmentation, or any topical vitamin C product that naturally suppresses blemishes. If all else fails, you can safely cover the pregnancy mask with a highly pigmented concealer or foundation. For best results, try to choose the shade closest to your skin. If you still have spots after giving birth, you may benefit from chemical peeling.
You can view the blemish serums available in Evla here .
Abdominal Itching During Pregnancy
From annoying tummy itches to serious body rashes, pregnancy can sometimes leave your skin crawling. Some of the itching is due to hormones and some of it is due to skin stretching. One of the most common types of abdominal itching is pruritic urticarial papules, which begin in the third trimester of pregnancy. It is first noticed in the area close to the belly button. But it can quickly spread over a wide area, including the thighs, breasts and buttocks. This condition is not dangerous and usually goes away soon after birth; But this can be incredibly uncomfortable for you. If you cannot stand the itching, it is recommended to consult a doctor. You can also try dipping a cloth in hot milk and applying it to the skin or adding a handful of oats to a warm bath.
What Do Evla Experts Say?
Many women experience harmless itching during pregnancy. A good moisturizer is often all that is needed to soothe the skin. In rare cases, itchy skin can be a symptom of cholestasis, a pregnancy-related liver condition that can pose a risk of premature birth and/or affect your baby's health. Also, if your rash is itchy and contains fluid-filled blisters, see your doctor right away.
Stretch marks during pregnancy
There are many products and methods on the market, from old-fashioned cocoa butter to high-tech skin creams that claim to prevent stretch marks. But most studies today show that the red, blue, purple and brown stretch marks that divide expectant mothers' abdomens like rivers are largely hereditary, and most topical preparations do not prevent them from forming. In fact, with a few sessions of laser treatment after your baby is born, you can fade your stretch marks as quickly as the memories of birth pain. You can access the special article on Using Stretch Mark Cream During Pregnancy, carefully prepared by Evla experts , here .
What Do Evla Experts Say?
Stretch marks that occur during pregnancy can be treated with laser when they are red or purple. Once they reach beige, microdermabrasion, intense lightening, and filler injections have varying degrees of success. Finally, if you're wondering whether it's safe to receive anti-aging wrinkle treatments like Botox during pregnancy, there hasn't been any significant testing on this yet.
You can take a look at the skin care products in Evla here .
Pregnancy is a process full of unique experiences for every expectant mother. However, dealing with skin problems in this process is possible by providing the right care.
To control the acne problem that occurs due to increased hormone activity during pregnancy, topical products containing sulfur, products containing glycolic acid or alpha hydroxy acid are recommended. Experts recommend avoiding the sun, using sunscreen and choosing products with safe ingredients against pregnancy mask and other pigmentation problems. While the use of moisturizer plays an important role in coping with abdominal itching, results can be achieved with methods such as laser treatment for stretch marks.
You can keep your skin healthy and bright by taking proper care of it during pregnancy with the products in Evla's Mother & Baby category . Remember, it is possible to achieve big results with small changes. With the right care routine for healthy pregnancy skin, you can enjoy this special period. With goodness, health and beauty.