Why Do Facial Spots Occur and How Can They Be Treated?
One of the most common complaints in dermatology clinics is facial blemishes. Although mostly harmless, the number of people applying to various care products or clinics to remove facial blemishes due to aesthetic and cosmetic concerns is increasing day by day.
In order to remove facial blemishes, it is important to first recognize the types of facial blemishes, understand the source of the blemish and plan an appropriate treatment. Products used unconsciously do not provide any benefit and may cause the problem to worsen and lead to different health problems. In this article, "How to get rid of the spots on the face as soon as possible?" and "What is good for the spots on the face?" You can find answers to frequently asked questions such as.
What is a Facial Blemish?
Facial blemishes, skin blemishes or sun spots can be explained as color differences generally seen on the face, neck and hands. Persistent skin spots, or in different words, brown spots on the face, occur as a result of the irregularity in the melanocyte cells that give the skin its color.

What is hyperpigmentation and why does it occur?
There is an increase in facial blemish complaints, especially in the summer months. Color pigments may concentrate in certain areas of the skin exposed to direct sunlight. On skin that is not well protected from sunlight, this may cause dark spots to form or existing spots to become more noticeable.
The reason why sun-induced skin spots are most common on the face, neck and hands is that these areas are more exposed to sunlight. Especially the face, which has a thin skin layer, is more sensitive to staining.
Facial blemishes, which occur due to direct and long-term exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays, can appear at any age, and it is inevitable that the blemishes will increase with age. Although it is true that fair-skinned people are more affected by facial blemishes, this condition can occur in anyone.
Although most blemishes are caused by sun damage, genetic factors, acne scars, pregnancy, hormonal medications, use of wrong cosmetic products and aging of the skin can also cause facial blemishes.
Are Facial Spots Caused by the Sun Dangerous?
Sunspots are generally not dangerous. However, the appearance or increase of spots is an indication that the skin is not protected against UV rays. This can indirectly lead to various skin disorders. So, although it is not the sunspot itself that is harmful, the presence of sunspots may mean that the skin is vulnerable to an unhealthy condition. On the other hand, some sunspots are similar to melanoma, that is, skin cancer. For this reason, it is recommended that skin blemishes be medically monitored annually.
How to Remove Facial Blemishes?
There are many options available to treat facial blemishes. Those who use blemish serum , those who prefer soap and moisturizer, those who do peeling applications, sunscreen wrinkle creams , over-the-counter creams, natural treatments that can be tried at home, and various medical procedures applied to permanently eliminate blemishes are some of the many different methods used in facial blemish treatment. However, the first thing to accept in facial blemish treatment is that not all facial blemishes will disappear. With the treatment to be applied, the stain is erased from the top layer of the skin; However, if the skin is not adequately protected, it is inevitable that it will resurface. Therefore, the definitive solution to facial blemishes may not be achieved at home or with medical treatment.
To prevent facial blemishes , sunscreen with a protection factor of 30 to 50 should be used every day; In winter, in cloudy weather, sun protection should not be neglected even in the shade.
Some of the products aimed at removing facial blemishes contain glycolic acid, which is a type of AHA (Alpha-Hydroxy Acid). Glycolic acid helps remove the blemish by peeling off the top layer of the skin. However, there are also studies showing that high concentration (20% and above) glycolic acid products increase UV damage. For this reason, the glycolic acid ratios in the products used must be taken into consideration.
Products containing retinol, niacinamide, BHA (Beta-Hydroxy Acid) and arbutin are also frequently recommended by experts in the treatment of facial blemishes.
In addition to skin care products and concealing sunscreens, oral vitamin E supplements can also help reduce facial blemishes. Vitamin E supplements or vitamin E-rich foods such as citrus fruits, spinach, broccoli and tomatoes, included in the daily nutritional routine, have also been proven to have positive effects on facial blemishes.
If adequate results are not obtained from care products for facial blemishes, it is recommended to see a dermatologist. The most commonly used medical treatment methods for facial blemishes include laser and chemical peeling applications. As a result of medical evaluation, the dermatologist gives the most accurate guidance. However, in order to prevent the recurrence of facial blemishes that have been eliminated by medical treatment, it is very critical to protect the skin from UV rays and not to neglect the facial care routine for blemishes.
Like body care, there are many different types of products for facial blemishes, such as facial blemish serum , scrubbing salt , facial blemish moisturizer, spotty skin moisturizer, face blemish soap and blemish concealing sunscreen . Peeling treatments for stained skin are also available to treat facial blemishes at home.
You can take a look at the products in the Evla selection to prevent facial blemishes and to remove existing facial blemishes. With goodness, health and beauty…